


‘What you think you become ’ – Buddha. Your mind is so powerful. When you change what you think, you also change your future.



Your feelings. Being okay with yourself in every situation. Love yourself. Open up to others and different situations based on this love. Learn to deal with different emotions.



Being financially free does not mean that you have to make tons of money right away and have a packed work agenda. I teach you how to deal with money and make money with your unique powers.

Your speaker

Hi! Ik ben Marlissa van Aalst.

I have been changing my life for 5 years now. I was burned out, my fire was really out. I always thought of others and only afterwards of myself. I also always committed myself 150% to something and it was never good enough. There was always something to do, it could always be better. This made me feel intensely tired and no longer got any energy from my work. I couldn’t remember what I wanted and if I already knew how I could make sure I could achieve it. I did not succeed in setting priorities, both mentally and financially. I was also no longer connected to my body at all. I no longer knew what my feeling were telling me.

In the end, because of this, I ended up in a burnout and I started thinking about what I think is important and how I want to live my life. Love, freedom, connection and pleasure are very important to me. To find out and to be full of energy in life again, I had to go through quite a few bumps on the road. As a true expert by experience ánd certified coach, I want to teach you what I have learned. Share all my tips and tricks with you during our coaching sessions, so you can grow even faster, discover the connection with yourself and let the inner flame burn again. I now choose from love. Love for myself, my body and with it also the love for life as I want to live it.

I want this for you as well. It seems more difficult than it actually is. The trick is to take the right steps at the right times.

And.. If I can do this, you can definitely do it too!

With love,

Marlissa van Aalst

- toni Morrison -

If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down.
Teach this my group

Book a lecture

Did you already know that about 17% of the working population in the Netherlands experience burnout complaints and symptoms every year? That is 1 in 6 employees. But when it comes to this in the end, we don’t talk about it easily. We often find it difficult to talk about our thoughts and feelings, let alone really feel what they do to us. In short, figuring out what makes you really happy, what gives you energy and especially how you can achieve this is for many people more easily said than done.

However, by talking about this shows how you can stand on your own strength. How to tackle your mental struggles, deal with different emotions to see from there how you can achieve your dream life. Including the financial picture.


Get in your strength

Through tailor-made trainings I respond to a specific need. I will speak on one hand and give assignments on the other.

I will teach your team/ group during an online or offline masterclass how they can open up in life, get closer to their feelings, through which they discover their own unique powers. Not only by giving them information and tips, but also assignments to practice it right away. In addition, they immediately learn how to use these forces in the field of work and their private life.


Do you think yes, but…

For whom is the lecture and masterclass?

These are especially for groups at school ( from secondary school ), smaller organizations and scholarships.
The masterclass can also be booked for online events in the field of mental, emotional and / or financial freedom. 

How big can the group be?

The offline group may consist of a maximum of 50 people for the lecture.
I give the offline masterclass live up to 30 people, which makes it possible to become interactive and give 1 in 1 tips every now and then. I give the online masterclass to 100 people. 

How long does the lecture and the masterclass last?

The lecture lasts 45 – 60 minutes.
The Masterclass will last 60 – 90 minutes.

Do you want me to give a more extensive session to your group? This is possible on request. Leave a message via one of the buttons on this page. Then we can discuss the possibilities together.

Where can you hire me to speak?

The lectures are held live and can be booked throughout the Netherlands. Do you want to book me for an event outside the Netherlands? Then leave a message via one of the buttons on this page. Then we can discuss the possibilities. 

How long in advance should a lecture or masterclass be booked?

A lecture and master class must be booked at least one month in advance. 

Why is the masterclass more expensive?

First of all, the master class lasts longer than the lecture. In addition, a special workbook will be made for this purpose, which the group will use during the masterclass.

- Tony Robbins -

No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying.